How the Service Works
“The Tender Basket” is the most astute and wide ranged database of over 1,000 business prospects from around the globe.
We have listed more than 1000 new business opportunities ( i.e. Global Tender Notices, International Projects Information, Procurement Forecast, RFP's, RFQ's , EOI, RFI, Pre-Qualification and Contract Awards) everyday from all across the world. With updates every hour our database gives you instant access to your preferred tender.
Our database is properly classed up to micro level to save your time and efforts in providing efficiency in selecting and optimizing relevant tenders. You may browse the tender notifications with the following 4 preferred using options;
By Country
*By Service Category
*By Product Category
*By Word Search
We accept all types of methods of payment including online payments through Master / Visa credit cards or offline through bankers cheque, bank transfer etc .For any enquiries for your need of exploration, please feel free to contact us.