1. What is Tenders Section?

Tenders' is a tender notification service, part of the “The Tender Basket”. It keeps you updated with the most recent information on Tenders arising by Government Central and State, Public Sector, Statutory Bodies & Private Organisation of the Business Industry

2. What services are offered by TendersExpress Tender Notification Service?

Any internet user can gain from our online Tender Notification services which includes display of latest information related to Tenders. We have a huge database of active Tenders which are floated by many Government and private agencies in South Africa and Africa. The huge collection of in-active Tenders under a dedicated archive section acts as an information resource tool for anyone wanting information on old Tenders to benefit in future bidding.
Browse through our ever escalating collection of tenders. We have incorporated simple navigational tools like our influential Search Engine and the 'Quick Access' feature which takes you across to your preferred category related to your Tender search.

4. How can I access the Tenders Information?

To relieve the usage, all tenders are sub-Divided under 10 sub-Categories .Furthermore you can have right of entry to tenders information By State and Authority.

5. What is “The Tender Basket” Tender Notification Service?

TendersExpress.com is a Tender Notification service gateway that keeps you abreast with up-to-minute information on tenders promoted by various government and private agencies across Africa.
For ease of access, all these tenders are assembled under different business categories and can easily be accessed using our Quick Search application which accelerates your tender search. You can Quick Search on tenders through 'Product Name', 'Company Name', 'Industry' and even through the 'Tender No.' if you have one on hand with you. Reach out to a broad market, save precious time and get access to numerous business prospects by using our Tender Notification services. All these feature-packed services are available to you Free of Charge.

6. What services are offered by TendersExpress Tender Notification Service?

Any internet user can gain from our online Tender Notification services which includes display of latest information related to Tenders. We have a huge database of active Tenders which are floated by many Government and private agencies in South Africa and Africa. The huge collection of in-active Tenders under a dedicated archive section acts as an information resource tool for anyone wanting information on old Tenders to benefit in future bidding.
Browse through our ever escalating collection tenders. We have incorporated simple navigational tools like our influential Search Engine and the 'Quick Access' feature which takes you across to your preferred category related to your Tender search.

7. Why Choose Us?

All the important Tenders floated by various Government and Private agencies are covered by us
*Our Vast database caters to a ranger of live and old tenders.
*Our Simple and effective navigational tools make up for a great searching experience

8. Can all “The Tender Basket” members access Tenders at Tender Notification Portal?

Yes. Any one members can log on to http://www.thetenderbasket.co.za and search the tenders in their preferred business/product category

9. How does “The Tender Basket” Tender Notification Service source its information?

We source tenders from various tender issuing authorities, national, regional & local newspapers and trade journals from all over the country. Thereby ensuring that we have the most accurate data to share with our users.

10. What kind of Information is available for a specific Tender?

Each tender information will present the following:
• Company Name
• Opening Date of the Tender
• Name & Address of The Tender Authority
• Due Date of the Tender
• Product Details
• Terms and Conditions of the Tenders
• Product Note
• Publications
• Project Location
• Industry and Sub Industry Type
• Tender Details
• Type of the Company
• Tender Value
• Tender Number and Reference Number

11. How does “The Tender Basket” Tender Notification Service source its information?

We source tenders from various tender issuing authorities, national, regional & local newspapers and trade journals from all over the country. Thereby ensuring that we have the most accurate data to share with our users.

12. Do you also provide information related to old tenders?

We archive our Tender database and have a archived collection of old Tenders which are an data resource for our online users.

13. What should I do to access tenders of only my categories?

As a first step, You need to browse http://www.thetenderbasket.co.za and click on your preferred industry. You can also browse tenders information by sub industry which is available in your preferred industry page.

14. Where do you get the information on Tenders?

We source tenders from Issuing Authorities, National, Regional and Local newspapers / magazines as well from Trade Journals. We partner with other tender aggregators also.